Townsend Ranch can be reached at 406-363-4846



Welcome To The Townsend Ranch!
Established in 1886, Larry & Janice are the 4th generation to raise and train quality performance horses. At the ranch you have the opportunity to experience a variety of horsemanship instruction, be it trail riding in the beautiful Bitterroot mountains behind the ranch, sorting, penning, arena work, barrel racing, mounted shooting or simply improving your riding skills and communication with your horse.
We can also enable you to overcome anxieties of past experiences thus regaining your confidence in yourself and in your horse. Have FUN riding again as it should be.
We offer quarter and paint horses for sale from green broke to finished horses, sorting, penning, cowboy mounted shooting, barrel racing, and trail riding. Be sure to contact us if you are looking for a safe well trained horse or just want to become a more accomplished rider.
All horses are trained personally by Larry Townsend. Larry students have become National and World Champions and Townsend Ranch horses are World Champions in multiple disciplines including sorting, penning, working cow horse, and cowboy mounted shooting.
If you aspire to be a World Champion, the Townsend Ranch program can help you achieve your goal. Look for the Lazy TE on the right hip of a horse, it is your assurance you will be riding a quality performance horse.
The Townsend Ranch located in Darby, MT is nestled in a valley between the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountain ranges. The impressive history of this ranch dates back 4 generations. The ranch has been handed down to each generation and is presently being managed and operated by Larry and Janice Townsend who are currently running 50 head of horses. They breed, raise and train 5 head annually.
A horse bred and trained at the Townsend Ranch will be one of the best all around performance horses world-wide. The expertise of Larry Townsend transforms each horse into its greatest potential. Please explore our website further to learn more about the Townsend Ranch and our incredible horses.
Townsend Ranch is also proud to present Arena Dust Be Gone™. It is a propriety blend of all natural, non-toxic, biodegradable ingredients that is superior to all arena dust management products on the market today and it is exclusively sold through the Townsend Ranch. Please click on the store button above to find out more about our products
Larry Townsend offers lessons in the following areas:
►All Speed Events
►Penning and Sorting
►Horse Finishing Technique
►All levels of horsemanship
The Townsend Ranch is now accepting students.
*You may bring your own horse or take your lesson on a Townsend Ranch Perfomance Horse.
► Read about us in the Ravalli Republic: Darby Horse Trainer Gets Riders Back In The Saddle